Celeste Ambulance Project
As part of the Celeste EUŽP campaign, the practice is eligible to provide a Celeste PRO filtered drinking regime and to receive quality bottles for the doctor and nurse.
The project is funded by a Celeste grant.
Celeste PRO filtration removes up to 103 substances in drinking water to improve its quality.

If a person wants to heal, he has to work hard on himself and his way of life. Illness is a signal to stop. To think about ourselves, because we can no longer live like this and that is why we are sick.
The difference, then, is whether one really wants to get well or just to be cured.

Ing. Radoslav Gajdoš
Administration and Service
Environmental networks for SR
Nám. Osloboditeľov 1, 2. poschodie
071 01, Michalovce - + 421 905 902 002
- + 056 381 02 64
- celeste@celeste.sk
Environmental networks for SR
IČO: 32 690 444
DIČ: 1023962357
IČ DPH: SK1023962357
The account numbers
UniCredit Bank – SK21 1111 0000 0068 5514 6002
Tatra banka- SK44 1100 0000 0026 1990 8505